Gary Cohen

world folk from Victoria BC
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Gary Cohen

Instruments: Vocals, Guitar, Drums, Doumbek (hand drum); baglama (Greek instruement) details
Tourtieres, pita, houmous souvlaki, felafel, baklava, Turkish coffee, such an exotic feats! The same is true of Gary Cohen's music.

Gary Cohen, is a World Folk Music Artist who brings a musical potluck to your hearts and ears. His repertoire is varied and includes parodies and folk songs from man lands. You will hear Gary move from a lively sing-a-long to a sweet gentle romantic tune, from a peppy Mikddle-Eastern drum solo to an ouzo soaked rendition of "La Jolie Rochelle."

Drawing inspiration from Greek, Middle-Eastern, Balkan, Klezmer, and Francophone motifs, Gary Cohen adda new perspective and interpretation to traditional folk music. He sings souflully in English, French, Greek, Hebrew and Ladino, a Judeo-Spanish language rooted in Medieval times!

Gary Cohen is accomplished with the Middle-Eastern Hand Drum (doumbek), and plays
the guitar with an original strumming style
reminiscient of the oud (Arabic ancestor of the mandolin(, He is joined n back-up percussion by
his partner Amber Woods.

Gary Cohen also teaches Middle-Eastern drumming. With Amber's assistance, they have taught a number of drumming workshops including at the World Rhythms Festival in Seasttle, and a the Rhythms Tent at the Northwest Folklife Featival in Seattle Vancouver Rhythm and Dance Festival, and Nanaimo Drum Fest.

Gary also teaches guitar and drumming privately.

Gary Cohen now fronts the World Music Duo, KOUSKOUS which features flavors of the Mediterranean in song! They have performed at events such as: Princeton Traditional Music Festival, Been featured at James Bay Coffee and Books, Sooke Folk Music Society, Gorge on Art, Cultural Celebration.
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Current Projects

Ziva Musika
Guitar Percussion Vocals
2006 - present
Lead: Guitar, Drum, Vocal
2005 - present
GuitarPercsussion Vocals
2000 - present

Past Projects

Guitar Percussion Vocals
2002 - The End

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