
World Folk from Victoria BC
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since circa 2005
World Folk Music duo Kouskous features Mediterranean inspired vocal inflections and guitar stylings peppered with spicy and exotic Middle-Eastern Rhythms. Gary Cohen fronts Kouskous and provides vocals, guitar and lead percussion while Amber Woods adds back-up percussion on a variety of instruments and the occasional vocals.

In a concert setting, Kouskous presents a diverse program which reflects their sense of humor and rhythmic sensibilities. Kouskous’ arrangements are heavily influenced by the beats and melodies of the Middle Eastern and Balkan Countries. Folk and popular songs are sung in French, Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) or English.

In a party, Kouskous brings great grooves, and driving beats for dancing, as well as soft and sweet gentle music to set the tone and provide a musical background for meals, events, or other special occasions.
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Current Lineup

Gary Cohen
Lead: Guitar, Drum, Vocal
2005 - present
Amber Woods
Back-up: Percussion
2005 - present

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