
Greek ,Balkan, Middle-Eastern from Victoria BC
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since circa 2000
What happens when Zorba travels North-East past Greece, or crosses the Mediterranean? It's a FETACOMPLI.

Drawing on the rich musical traditions from the Middle-East, Eastern Europe, and North America, this versatile band's extensive repertoire gets toes-a-tappin, hands a-clappin and feet a-dancing. Also inspiring is listening to the delightfully woven melodic interplay and exotic rhythms.

Many years of experience and knowledgeable interpretations are combined with Marty Reynard on bouzouki, accordion, flute or recorder, Amber Woods providing back-up percussion, and Gary Cohen on guitar, lead Doumbek (Middle-Eastern hand drum) and vocals. Although small in number, the seamless changes in instrumentation and artistic arrangements create a big sound.

FETACOMPLI has played for belly dancers, folk dancers, in addition to performing at Greek Nights, Restaurants, conventions, festival, weddings, birthdays, and other special occasions.

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Current Lineup

Gary Cohen
GuitarPercsussion Vocals
2000 - present
Marty Reynard
bouzouki, accordion, flute,recorder
2000 - present
Amber Woods
backup percussion
2003 - present

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