Crash - Vancouver

Acid Jazz from Vancouver BC
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Crash - Vancouver

Crash was formed in 1997 by alto saxophonist Cory Weeds. He was joined by good friend tenor saxophonist Jerry Cook in 1998 and the two have led this funky outfit ever since. They have 2 CD's to their credit including their latest CD "Candy Shop" on the Maximum Jazz label. They are also fresh off a collaboration with legendary Hammond B3 Organist, Dr. Lonnie Smith. Crash will be doing a Western tour with the Dr. in the summer of 2004.

Cory Weeds alto sax, Jerry Cook tenor sax, Kerry Galloway bass, Dave Sikula guitar, Bernie Arai drums
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Cory Weeds
alto sax
Jerry Cook
tenor sax
Dave Sikula
Bernie Arai

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