Profile Image: Kerry Galloway

Kerry Galloway

jazz, latin, funk, R&B, urban, pop, folk from Vancouver BC
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Kerry Galloway

Instruments: Bass, Vocals, Composition/Songwriting, Arranging details
I've performed at all levels of the industry, with career highlights including kd lang, Bob Hope, the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, the Canadian Tenors, and 14 tours of Europe as a featured soloist on 6 string bass with the New Noakes Quartet, as well as tours to Australia, the Yukon, the Carribean and a 4 1/2 month residency in Seville, Spain. Recent urban music credentials include recording with Kyprios, Sweatshop Union and Curtis Santiago.

I love to play, and I particularly love to work on sincere original music (I'm also listed in the "producers" category here) even on limited budgets.

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22:00 02:00
22:00 01:00

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