The Cellar Restaurant/Jazz Club

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The Cellar Restaurant/Jazz Club

3611 West Broadway Vancouver BC
Used to be quite the place to get a chance at but these days there are so many others with far more relaxed and welcoming atmospheres. It still has its place but isn't what it once was.

The Cellar is a jazz club and not a bar.
Reservations are accepted for dinner only and are recommended especially on weekends.

Cover charges vary depending on who is playing.
The cover charge will be automatically added to your bill. As well as a cover charge there is a minimum charge in effect every night. On weekdays including Sunday the minimum charge is $8 and on the weekends the minimum charge is $10.

Hours and set times:
Thursday - Saturday 700 PM to Midnight
Sets: 830 and 1015
Sunday 600 to 1100
Sets 730 and 915
Monday and Wednesday 800 to midnight
Sets 830 and 1015
Tuesday 600 to 1100
Sets 730 and 900
Open / Operational
Music Venue

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Liquor LicenseNone

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Address3611 West Broadway

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