Siobhan Duvall

Power Pop / Punk from Vancouver BC
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Siobhan Duvall
"Fon Fon"

Instruments: Vocals, Guitar, Composition/Songwriting details
Now fronting her own band "Duvallstar", Siobhan Duvall is the former guitarist for The Bomshells, Bif Naked and The Widows (with Billy Hopeless). Known for her sophisticated and sexy power punk, Siobhan (aka Fon Fon) has played the mainstage at the Telus World Ski and Snowboard Festival and Sony Playstation Skatespace in Whistler BC, and has appeared on VH-1 in New York City, along with touring the usual punk rock hotspots up and down the West Coast. Fon Fon also fronts Parallel Lines, a Blondie tribute and sometimes cops Blondie for the advertising industry - but don't tell anyone!

Duvallstar's new record "The City", produced by Vincent Jones and featuring bass player Martyn LeNoble, is now available at your friendly neighborhood digital download store.
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Parallel Lines
2012 - present
vocals, guitar
2005 - present

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