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CHICKS ROCK FOR PWN!!!: chicks with picks, Siobhan Duvall, Melanie Dekker, CLOMA...

Sun. December 9th 2012 Railway Club Vancouver BC $10

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Event Info

CHICKS ROCK FOR PWN!!!: chicks with picks, Siobhan Duvall, Melanie Dekker, CLOMA EIRENE, Sarah Wheeler, Rachel Davis, Boomchix, Sometime After Sundown, KATE RYCROFT, Joyce Island, Jane Sawyer, ALLY SNEDKER, Elaine Ryan

Sunday, December 9th: girlgig productions proudly presents A CHICKS WITH PICKS X...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sun. December 9th 2012 + Add to Calendar Railway Club (No Minors)
6:00pm /suggested donation: $10


chicks with picks
Siobhan Duvall
Power Pop / Punk from Vancouver BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Melanie Dekker
Singer/Songwriter from Vancouver BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Sarah Wheeler
from Vancouver BC
Rachel Davis
Roots-Rock from Vancouver BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Sometime After Sundown
Progressive Ethereal Rock from Vancouver BC
Joyce Island
alt-country, indie-folk, rock n roll from Vancouver BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Jane Sawyer
Elaine Ryan

Hard-copy tickets

Physical tickets at: The Door

Event Description

Sunday, December 9th: girlgig productions proudly presents A CHICKS WITH PICKS XMISS - CHICKS ROCK FOR PWN!!!
annual girlgig productions XMISS PARTY and POSITIVE WOMEN'S NETWORK Christmas benefit
*Thanks kindly in advance for your continued support in the spirit of giving and making a difference ...
Doors: 6 PM, show 7 PM Admission/suggested donation: $10 with non-perishable food or bath items or both!!


Railway Club
579 Dunsmuir St
Bar / Nightclub
Closed / Inactive

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