Mike Allen Quartet

from Vancouver BC
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Mike Allen Quartet

Label: Almus Jazz
since circa 2006
The Mike Allen Quartet has been together since the mid-2000s and is currently the in-residence jazz quartet of the jazz studies program at Western Washington University in Bellingham WA. Performing weekly for the past year, the quartet has developed a broad repertoire of standard and original material featuring the stunning singing of bassist Adam Thomas, the piano and guitar genius of Miles Black, the powerfully interactive and sensitive drumming of Julian MacDonough and Mike Allen's signature sax playing. MAQ is set to release its latest album in March 2012.

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Current Lineup

Mike Allen
Tenor, Alto, Soprano Sax
1987 - present
Miles Black
Piano / Guitar
1996 - present
Julian MacDonough
1998 - present
Adam Thomas
Bass / Voice
2004 - present

Past Members

Sean Cronin
? - 2004
Bruno Hubert
? - 1996
Sean Cronin
? - 2004
George McFetridge
? - 2007

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