Jackie Greene Band

from California
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Jackie Greene Band

Label: Verve Forecast
Originally from Northern California, Jackie Greene always
had precocious taste in music –
first as a listener, then not too
much later as a performer and
singer-songwriter. Although still
in his 20s, Greene has several CDs
to his credit, miles of touring
under his wheels, and a musical
evolution that has seen him leave
a very personal stamp on idioms
as diverse as jazz, rustic blues,
folk and rock. His newest
recording, 2006’s American Myth,
manages to be melodic, hardrocking
and deliciously hard to
pigeon-hole – just like the man
himself. Greene and his quartet
of veteran musicians which
include Jeremy Plog bass
guitar/vocals, Nathan Dale
guitar/vocals, and Bruce Spencer
drums/vocals, are guaranteed to
put on an incredible show for
their Victoria debut.

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Current Lineup

Jackie Greene
guitar and vocals
Jeremy Plog
bass guitar and back up vocals
Nathan Dale
guitar and back up vocals
Bruce Spencer
drums and back up vocals

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