Jackie Greene

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Jackie Greene

Jackie Greene

“Greene’s channeling of American roots music smacks of a modern midnight Faustian soul swap at a deserted country crossroads. His sound is familiar yet fresh. And it connects with audiences on emotional as well as artistic levels, as he shifts from acoustic and electric guitars to piano, Hammond B-3 organ and harmonica while singing about such Americana staples as whisky-fueled nights, love, betrayal, jail, loneliness, dead-end jobs and wanderlust.” Sacramento News & Review

Twenty-six-year-old multi-instrumentalist/vocalist Jackie Greene is touted as one of America’s hottest young singer-songwriters. His inspired tunes, mastery of wordplay, and deft compositional technique are showcased throughout four album releases. “Each one is different on purpose,” Greene remarks. “It’s important to stretch as far as your bones will let you.” Sourcing every major American musical influence from country to jazz to folk and blues on his first three releases, American Myth (Verve Forecast), his latest CD, bristles with the energy of a highly charged rock band. For emotional honesty and pure musical prowess Jackie Greene is your man. With Nathan Dale guitar, Jeremy Plog bass... show more

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