Profile Image: David P. Smith

David P. Smith

Style: Ish from Victoria BC
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David P. Smith

Instruments: Accordion, Piano/Keyboards, Vocals, Composition/Songwriting, things details
David P. Smith is a multi-disciplinary artist who jumped from visual art, Dadaist performances, and slam style poetry into the Victoria (Canada) musical scene with the irreverent hillbilly punk band The Dogbreath Brothers. He is a dynamic performer and an unflinchingly original songwriter who in the past 18 years has released six full length recordings, numerous ep’s, and led a variety of musical projects that have consistently defied convenient genre classifications. Deconstructing and reconstructing classic folk, hillbilly, and blues forms he has created a unique body of work that is tragic and hilarious, profane, surreal, and occasionally profound. Aside from his original music project, David is eclectic in his pursuits - from his low tech free noise project Grampa Big Balls, to being a driving force behind The Songs of Hank Williams, to drawing, poster design, photography and video (Instagram @jackasspath)
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Current Projects

The Songs of Hank Williams: Three Davids Do Hank
Accordion, piano, vocals, spiels
2018 - present
David P. Smith & The Ape Shit Army
Accordion, vocals, pessimism, bananas
David P. Smith & Dad's Juice
Accordion,piano, vocals, delusions of grandeur
David P. Smith & Mansmell
Accordion, vocals, nervous energy, delusions of grandeur
Malibu Kens
noisy noisemaking

Past Projects

The Euphorians
Vocals, accordion, piano, heart murmers
Dogbreath Brothers
Accordion, vocals, research, songwriting, silent but deadly, moderate to heavy boozing

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