Curtis Hobson

from Victoria BC
Age: 1006 (estimated)
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Curtis Hobson

Instruments: Drums, Piano/Keyboards, Composition/Songwriting, Knobs and Dials, bass, guitar details
I am looking to start/join one of two projects that I have been interested in for a long time. First, I would like to meet interesting and interested people to develop a hybrid between trip hop and old timey music. I guess a cross between downtempo trip hop and folk; could this be done and what would it sound like?
Second, again with interesting and interested people, an ensemble of diverse intrumentation that could compose and perform co-operatively. I have a fair bit of experience in production and performing and would like to meet some other individuals for a 'co-operation orchestra' that could explore the members' interesting musical ideas co-operativly.
Anyway... Please feel free to contact me and we can discuss this in more detail.
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Meta Music
1997 - present

Past Projects

2008 - 2010
god only knows
Drums / advice / tech
2002 - 2004
The Electrosonics
percussion / keys / tech
1995 - 1997

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