
New Wave / electro from Victoria BC
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since circa 2008
AMORTALS have been born, and currently reside in Victoria, B.C. They have shaken off the cocoon, and are now ready to ride the wave of the coming superhero evolution. Capes and tights are optional.

With determinedly optimistic lyrics climbing a wall of moody, sometimes aggressive sound, the band seeks to blaze an existential trail into this still unknown century; where quantum physics begins to resemble magical thinking, and the Universe appears to be looking at itself through each of our eyes.

Highlights to date include playing at the 2010 Rifflandia Festival, and having three of our songs featured in an upcoming feature film (Nighthawks)- one song is used as the soundtrack for the trailer.

Influences: Simon Shackleton, Massive Attack, Interpol, TV on the Radio, Dandy Warhols, the Cure, Joy Division, Dead Can Dance, PJ Harvey, old Spirituals, Doo Wop, Roxy Music, Spiritualized.
Un-Available: Seeking Musicians

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Past Members

Dylan Davies
Time travelling guitarist, with wristwatch direct radio link
1600 - 1905
Michael Goudge
Vocals, songwriting/composition
2004 - 2010
Mazz Fusion
Guitar (on leave of absence, honourary lifetime member)
pp ppp
Keyboards, bass, production
Nathan Gibson
Giutars, vocals
Sarah-Jane Smith
Phil Shinbein
Unlinked Musician
Unlinked Musician
Curtis Hobson
2008 - 2010
James Maine
Guitar/ vocals
2009 - 2010
Liam Mckeracher
Drums/ vocals
2009 - 2010
Renee Michelle Walrafen
Keys/ vocals
2009 - 2010

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