Box Cutter

from Vancouver BC
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Box Cutter

Tkts.available at the McPherson Box Office and its outlets (250-386-6121 or online at's Place or the VJS office (Suite J-727 Johnson St. or 250-388-4423)

Vancouver’s avant-garde Box Cutter is an inventive quartet that plays outside, inside and everywhere in between. Eager improvisers who deconstruct genres and styles with passionate insight, the four members of Box Cutter share an intuitive rapport and a commitment to improvised music at the highest creative level. From deep grooves to crazy harmonies, they summon the past, the present and the future every time they play. The group leader, Gordon Grdina guitar, plays alongside Karlis Silins bass, Kenton Loewen drums, and legendary clarinet maestro Francois Houle.

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Gord Grdina

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