from Vancouver BC
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since circa 2006
The old-school was the breeding ground that spawned XYL`s (pronounced Exile) passion for rap music. He began his journey into hip hop music at the age of ten, listening to groups such as the Beastie Boys, Public Enemy and Run DMC among others. Intrigued by what he heard, XYL began penning his own verses. As time went by, he molded and shaped his own lyrical style and perfected his delivery. Having built up skill in guitar, piano, bass and drums, XYL decided to make his own beats with real instruments, writing the music on bass or digital piano and inviting guest musicians to lay down melodies over his work. On top of all this, XYLs trademark lyrical delivery shines and he displays a totally unique sound, something rarely found in the hip hop scene today.

For the recording of the XYL debut EP, "Twisted Genius", XYL enlisted to aid of studio engineer Ross Doan of Falling House productions. A number of musicians joined him in the studio including drummer Evan Rogerson, vocalist Alexandria Yates, saxaphone player Zac Stevenson and more. A varied spectrum of tracks make up this EP, from the jazzy, laid-back vibe of Another Rainy Day to the straight up aggression of XYL`s Attack. Always drawing inspiration from the artists he respects, XYL combines an old school flavor with cutting edge lyrical tactics and catchy beats.
The lyrical content of "Twisted Genius" ranges from comedic, to reflective to downright evil and sadistic. Tongue-in-cheek musings about torture and horrible murder are commonplace but so are inspirational messages and material of a more serious and political nature. Sound bizarre? It is. XYL offers no apologies for the madcap lyrics that emerge from his disturbed mind nor could he control them if he wanted to. Maybe you`ll laugh, maybe you`ll think, maybe you`ll just be straight-up offended. Regardless of the outcome, you will be touched on some level. However, be advised that listening to XYL could result in a desire to burn bibles, overthrow the government and murder your parents. You have been warned.

With the release of Twisted Genius looming XYL will continue to strive, hitting live shows with scratch master DJ Trey Funk and preparing for the recording of his first full-length LP. This MC will never back down until the world has heard his voice. Be prepared, Armageddon is nigh.

"And the fearful and unbelieving shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone."
-Revelation 21:8
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