
British Alternative Rock from Vancouver BC
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since circa 1999
Whitfield, whose musical roots are deeply entwined in the UK alternative rock culture, possess a mystical yet charming quality that combines sparkling soundscapes with powerfully layered dynamics. With haunting swells, high-pitched overtones, and lyrics of honesty and truth, Whitfield wholly engulfs the listener and commands a deep respect. Their sound is often compared to The Doves, Travis, Radiohead and Coldplay and yet, a separate entity entirely. They have been described as energetic, emotional and intense, with powerfully catchy melodies and hooks.

The group began as the Jobie Mallett Band in the summer of 1999 in Kamloops, B.C. After many member changes, and a vast development in their sound, look, and performance, the three young music enthusiasts formed Whitfield in January of 2004. Despite a variety of musical tastes and personal backgrounds, Jobie Mallett, Sam Bastedo, and Josh McCulloch succeeded in becoming a widely applauded, and popular alternative rock group in the area. Winning the Kamloops Battle of the Bands, and being heralded as “The Best Band You’ve Never Heard,” (The Kamloops Omega) the lads would head off into the proverbial sunset -Vancouver - to pursue their musical goals.

Though Whitfield had long been a three-piece band and had obtained a great deal of exposure and acclaim, a unanimous need was felt to obtain a fourth member. With a few failed attempts at finding the right fit, the band hired Marc Wild to perform live, and record their debut album with them. Recently winning the prestigious Peoples Choice award from the Toronto Indie Week, the ‘Best Alternative Group’ award from the Toronto Independent Music Awards, Whitfield has played many high profile gigs, including opening for Athlete at the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver. Whitfield has generated a large buzz from the dynamic, edgy, and emotional performances they consistently deliver. With the new album finished, Whitfield is poised and ready to begin their promising career in the spotlight.
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Jobie Mallett
Guitar/Lead Vocals
1999 - The End
Sam Bastedo
1999 - The End
Josh McCulloh
Bass/Backing Vocals
2004 - The End
Jordan Irwin
Lead Guitar
2006 - The End

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