Western Birds

Wings tribute act from Victoria BC
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Western Birds

Label: nil
since circa 2005
Four recluses from a remote community in Northern Vancouver Island with Stone Age synths and Flying-V bass guitars.

Western Birds were founded on the remote DeCourcy Island in British Columbia. The members descend from followers of Brother Twelve who remained on DeCourcy practicing Theosophy following the religion’s mainstream downfall in the 1930s. In this isolated community they developed their signature synth-based hard rock sound before beginning to tour through local communities in 2005.

In February 2006 they entered the famed Vancouver studio The Hive for one day to begin recording their debut EP To the Tip of the Nail. In the following weeks they completed the recording in their home studio, The Birds’ Nest. The cost of the completed recording was $466.87.

In May 2006 Western Birds will migrate eastward across Canada in support of To the Tip of the Nail.

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Current Lineup

Simon Munn
2005 - present
Aden Collinge
Drums, percussion, keys?
2005 - present
Sam Albers
Bass, vocals, jumpsuit
2005 - present
michael collinge
Keyboard, guitar, vocals, tambourine.
2005 - present

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