Profile Image: Tree Top Trio

Tree Top Trio

Gypsy Jazz from Victoria BC
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Tree Top Trio

since circa 2016
The Tree Top Trio derives their musical style from the early days of American jazz, after the fashion of nomadic eastern European guitar virtuoso Django Reinhardt who pioneered what has come to be known as Gypsy Jazz and Swing Manouche. Swing Manouche/Gypsy Jazz consists of acoustic guitars, double bass and sometimes violin or clarinet: An Atomized version of the 'big bands' of the swing era (Little big band we may call it) that suits a 'speakeasy' style of environment, where people can comfortably listen and socialize at the same time.
The Tree Top Trio are the house band at the Moka House Cafe in Cook St. Village. They have performed at the Ecostar Awards Ceremony, an auction for the Hospital Foundation, farmers markets, book launches, the Northern Quarter, art galleries, restaurants, and the 2017 Victoria Djangofest.
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Current Lineup

Thomas Buhman
- Guitar, vocals
2016 - present
Aaron Loewen
Guitar, vocals
2016 - present
Jordan Loveys
2016 - present

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