
heavy rock sludge from Oakland California
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since circa 1997
Totimoshi was formed in Oakland, CA by singer/guitarist Tony Aguilar and bassist Meg Castellanos in November 1997. After a slew of 6 drummers-some lasting longer than others, Luke Herbst joined the band in Febuary 2005.

Totimoshi have recorded with acclaimed producers Billy Anderson, Alex Newport, and most recently Page Hamilton who worked on the upcoming Ladrón. Past releases have included 1999's self titled, ¿Mysterioso? (Crucial Blast 2002, enhanced re-issue 2005) and Monolí (This Dark Reign 2003). Touring constantly accross the US, they've gained a strong loyal following due to their innovative approach to heavy music.

Highlights have included being handpicked by the Melvins and Helmet to open for their respective tours, and headlining Emissions and Stoner Hands of Doom Fests. A live performance in Dallas, TX for Budweiser's True Music series can currently be seen on HD TV and their music has reached the airwaves in Europe, Australia, Brazil, Cuba and the US.

Totimoshi continues to carve out it's own path with explosive performances, dark emotive lyrics and hypnotic sound...a true force and new direction for music made by musicians who follow no trend but their own.

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Current Lineup

Tony Aguilar
1997 - present
Meg Castellanos
1997 - present
Luke Herbst
2005 - present

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