Throat Poets

Alternative Chunge from Nanaimo BC
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Throat Poets

Label: TBA
since circa 2009
Throat Poets are a hard rock trio from Vancouver Island Canada, who have been laying down their own brand of heavy melodic grooves since 2009. Big things have been in the works for Throat Poets since befriending, Canadian Rock Royalty Alan Anton of Cowboy Junkies fame and legendary producer Garth Richardson (Rage Against the Machine, Mudvayne, Chevelle). Throat Poets are set to record their debut album and hope to have it ready for early fall release. They have been spreading their "poetry" locally and abroad with their high energy live show, which is always a theatrical surprise. Throat Poets are a must see if you like energetic melodies mixed with heavy grooves.

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The Payne
Chunge + Vox
The Loewen
Pulse + Sonics
The Dregs + Noises

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