The Specials

from Coventry United Kingdom
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The Specials

since circa 1977
The Specials (sometimes called The Special AKA) are an English 2 Tone ska revival band formed in 1977 in Coventry, England. Their music combines a "danceable ska and rocksteady beat with punk's energy and attitude", and had a "more focused and informed political and social stance" than other ska groups. The band wore mod-style "1960s period rude boy outfits (pork pie hats, tonic and mohair suits, and loafers)." In 1980, the song "Too Much Too Young", the lead track on their The Special AKA Live! EP, reached number one in the UK. In 1981, the unemployment-themed single "Ghost Town" also hit number one in the UK Singles Chart. After seven consecutive UK Top 10 singles between 1979 and 1981, the band broke up. Their 1983 song "Apartheid activists. Afterwards, Dammers then dissolved the band and pursued political activism.
other sites: wikipedia

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Current Lineup

Lynval Golding
rhythm guitar, vocals
1977 - present
Horace Panter
bass guitar
1977 - present
Terry Hall
vocals and songwriting
1977 - present
Neville Staple
1977 - present
Roddy Radiation
lead guitar, vocals
1978 - present
John Bradbury
1979 - present
Jon Read
1996 - present
Adam Birch
1996 - present
Tim Smart
2008 - present
Drew Stansall
2008 - present
Nik Torp
2008 - present

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