The Rights

Rock from Vancouver BC
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The Rights

Label: Travelin' Productions
since circa 2007
Travis Skjolde - Guitar, Vocals
Paul Kaszonyi - Bass, Vocals
Landon Lucas - Drums

The Rights story begins in January of 2007 starting with the recording of their first Ep "Packing Your Suitcase". Asking producer Jason "Juice" Evjen to record the band gave The Rights the mordern day 60's sound they were looking for. The Rights combine 60's rock with today's tones, with fuzzy rock riffs, rythmie style vocals and with soulfull driving backbeats provide a new flavour with their own original music.

"Packing Your Suitcase", is a seven song Ep that is filled with electrifing tunes. Starting with the fuzzy intro of Trav's guitar to the wild ending jam of Steal My Keys. "Packing Your Suitcase" is loaded with wild solos, cheeky lyrics and groovy bass lines which will make any rock listener wanting more. There was no pitch correctors or samples used on any of their records, making the band feels that it sounds more real to the listener. The Ep was recorded and mixed in nine days at Sound City Studio and JMP Studio in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The future holds anything, but currently their single "Fast Track Woman" is being played on some American and Canadian radio stations and have done radio interviews in the States. The Rights have played in Rockanagan Fest and clubs in the Fraser Valley, Thompson Okanagan, and Vancouver. They will be heading in to the recording studio soon and trying some new demo out before recording a new Ep.

The trio plays their hearts out at every gig and gives it all they've got, being real to what is

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Current Lineup

Travis Skjolde
Guitar, Vocals
2007 - present
Paul Kaszonyi
Bass, Vocals
2007 - present
Landon Lucas
2008 - present

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