Profile Image: The Ludvico Treatment

The Ludvico Treatment

Space Rock / Shoegaze from Vancouver BC
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other sites: myspace


The Ludvico Treatment

since circa 2002
Two years after their second album, Politeia, The Ludvico Treatment return with Uncollected. The new release is as rooted in the band's love of feedback-drenched noise as it is influenced by the pop sensibilities of their reviled-by-die-hard-fans, enjoyed-by-most-others full-album version of Bowie's Earthling.

The new songs represent the end of a chapter in the band's ten year history and the start of a whole new one, and a strong sense of transition permeates the record. 'Roads' yearns for return and safety, 'Panacea' frantically demands change; with 'Listing' The Ludvico Treatment's sound itself moves into new territory.

Uncollected is the sound of a band moving on, exploring the edges of what they know and preparing to go further in the future. Maybe Bowie's listening this time, maybe he doesn't care, but he more than most understands this point in a band's story: putting the past to rest with respect and moving, with as much squealing feedback as possible, into the future.
On Hiatus
other sites: myspace

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Current Lineup

adam veenendaal "Adam Vee"
Songwriter, lead vocalist, guitarist
2002 - present
Alexander Mark Kennard
2002 - present
David Cotton
Guitarist, vocalist
2005 - present
Rob Freeman
2008 - present
Steve Hanker
2010 - present
John Lucas
2011 - present

Past Members

Jordan Knight
Live guitarist
2005 - 2008
Sean Redford
Live drummer
2006 - 2008
nick roddam
Live bassist/vocalist
2007 - 200
Justin Wong
Live bassist/vocalist
2007 - 200
Travis Smyth
Live bassist
2010 - 2011

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