Alt-rock. from Vancouver BC
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since circa 2003
The Grails are a loud alt-rock band hailing from Vancouver, Canada. Formed and fronted by singer-songwriter Scotland Hurst since the spring of 2003 – the band has since been establishing a local reputation
for delivering tight, dynamic & accessible songs through incendiary, off-the-cuff live performances at venues such as The Media Club, Roxy Cabaret, The Pic, Purple Onion & The Showroom.

The sound has been described as “an urgent and visceral, focused and deliberate mixture of both the raw & the pop - gnashing, fuzzed & rough-hewn enough for the indie-rock listener, yet hook-laden and polished enough to respect the dynamics & pedigree of great pop music structure”.
The 7-song debut Ep has been independently self-released, received continued on-air support from the Indie Night In Canada segment of Vancouver’s CFOX radio (99.3FM) and has garnered press in The Georgia Straight Weekly.
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Velibor Gajic
Lead guitarist
2003 - The End
Martin Tessler "Mad Marty!"
2003 - The End
Diego Brambilla
2003 - The End

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