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Out of Order, The Beta 58's, The Massacre

Fri. April 19th 2024 The Wherehouse Kingston Ontario $15

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Cancelled - Out of Order, The Beta 58's, The Massacre

Another rager returns to one of Kingston’s coolest new live venues!
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Fri. April 19th 2024 + Add to Calendar The Wherehouse (No Minors)
7:00pm - 11:00pm $15


Out of Order
from Montreal Quebec
Available for Shows/Gigs
The Beta 58's
Punk Rock N' Roll from Kingston Ontario
Available for Shows/Gigs
The Massacre
Punk, Rock from Kingston Ontario
Available for Shows/Gigs

Event Description

Another rager returns to The Wherehouse, one of Kingston’s coolest new live venues!! Out of Order are one of Canada’s fiercest live bands and are not to be missed. They’ll be flanked by Beta 58’s and The Massacre, come out and see the carnage first hand!!

Out of Order (Montreal)
Originally hailing from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Out Of Order began in 2001. The band moved to Montreal, Quebec in 2005. They have since released 5 albums, 2 Split 7” and a full length Demo. They played hundreds of shows and toured consistently over the past two decades. The spirit of DIY is alive and well as this band continues to produce music into the new millennia!

The Beta 58’s (Kingston)
Road worn rock and roll for the 21st century working man's soul...

The Massacre (Napanee ex-pats)
Napanee’s most harmless punk rock band, back from the depths.

Friday April 19, 7-11pm
$15 at the door
15-12 Cataraqui St.
Kingston, ON


The Wherehouse
12 Cataraqui Street
Open / Operational

Event Poster

Out of Order, The Beta 58's, The Massacre @ The Wherehouse Apr 19 2024 - Mar 3rd @ The Wherehouse

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