The CRD Arts Development Service provides funding support to...
625 Fisgard Street Victoria BC
Open / Operational
The Province of British Columbia
Event Description
Super Superficial is a solo exhibition by visual artist Kosar Movahedi that challenges the boundary between the exhibition space and image-based work.
Combining photography with drawing and collage, this body of work plays with the surface and frames of images. This makes for a dynamic experience where the viewers slip into the world of knowing and not knowing what they’re looking at, instead considering the process of viewing and making.
Opening night:
Friday March 8, 2024, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Gallery hours:
Continues every weekend from Saturday, March 9 until Sunday, March 24 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
About the Artist:
Kosar Movahedi (b. Vancouver, 1995) lives and works on the unceded territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples in Victoria, BC. Her work uses humour and play to complicate our... perception of space, time and surfaces through photography, drawing, video and sculpture.
Kosar holds an MFA from the University of Victoria and a BSc in Architecture from University of Tehran. Her work has resulted in publications and exhibitions in Iran, the UK, and Canada as well as received grants and awards from the BC Arts Council, Audain Foundation, and SSHRC Canada. In addition, she has taken roles as the program coordinator for the Victoria Arts Council and Crummy Gallery, carried out independent curatorial projects, and taught as a sessional instructor at the University of Victoria.
Xchanges gratefully acknowledges the support of the Province of British Columbia and the Capital Regional District for our gallery programs. show more
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