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REFUGE - a group exhibition and sale

Tue. December 14th 2021 - Sun. January 2nd 2022 Gage Gallery Arts Collective Free

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Event Info

REFUGE - a group exhibition and sale

Refuge is a group exhibition and sale offering sanctuary in hectic times
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Tue. December 14th 2021 - Sun. January 2nd 2022 + Add to Calendar Gage Gallery Arts Collective (All Ages)
Tues-Sat, 11-5pm; Sun, 12-4[, Free


Leslie Bell
Ilka Bauer
Elizabeth Carefoot
Anna B Grant
from Victoria BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Gabriela Hirt
Abstract and figurative abstract from Victoria BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
MJ Hughes
Jane Michiel

Presented by:

Gage Gallery Arts Collective
Artists Collective
19 Bastion Square Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Event Description

Refuge is a group exhibition and sale offering sanctuary for our weary eyes and battle souls. A great opportunity to buy unique handmade holiday gifts.

The exhibition, REFUGE offers a peaceful sanctuary separate from the urgency of the outside world. The seven artists (llka Bauer, Leslie Bell, Elizabeth Carefoot, Anna B Grant, Gabriela Hirt, MJ Hughes and Jane Michiel) work across media and through different techniques to create art that together speaks to our human need for refuge.

Join us for the festive opening celebration on Friday, Dec. 17, 4:30-8 pm.


Gage Gallery Arts Collective
Art collective of 22 local members showing and selling art.
19 Bastion Square Victoria BC

Event Poster

REFUGE - a group exhibition and sale - Mar 6th @ Gage Gallery Arts Collective

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