Celebrate Indigenous Resurgence & Healing in the South Pacific and Canada
September 21, 2021 International Day of Peace from 4:00pm - 7:00pm Pacific Time
The event will be live broadcast via Zoom and Facebook. To pre-register click here: https://uvic.zoom.us/j/83539827906?pwd=UmlvRnRJOWJna0pmdVJQU1NyQ2pBdz09
Description: Pacific Peoples’ Partnership’s One Wave Gathering is guided by the themes of healing and resurgence this year. Our themes emerged from the many challenges of life during the pandemic, which we recognize as particularly pronounced in Indigenous and racialized communities. This International Day of Peace, gather with us for an opportunity to reflect, heal, and begin to build a more equitable future for all. Featured cultural presentations and sharing from Elder Barb Hulme, CIRCLE (Centre for Indigenous Research and Community Led Engagement), ANSWER, Pacific Peoples' Partnership, Stories of Resilience participants and mentors, plus special guest presenters.
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