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Sacred Geometry

Sat. August 6th 2016 - Wed. August 31st 2016 Mark Loria Gallery

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Event Info

Sacred Geometry:

Sacred Geometry Solo Exhibition by Coast Salish artist Dylan Thomas August 6 -...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sat. August 6th 2016 - Wed. August 31st 2016 + Add to Calendar Mark Loria Gallery (All Ages)
Monday - Saturday 10 am to 6 pm, Sunday 12 pm to 5 pm

Event Description

Sacred Geometry
Solo Exhibition by Coast Salish artist Dylan Thomas
August 6 - 31st, 2016
Artist Talk August 13th, 2 - 4pm

Dylan Thomas breaks open the boundaries on traditional Coast Salish design by looking for the natural beauty inherent in geometric compositions. As Dylan surrenders control to the mathematic and algorithmic process, he effectively uses centuries old methods to create stunning contemporary explorations of national themes. By repositioning his vision Dylan has rediscovered his voice among the great contemporary Coast Salish masters. A well-researched and thoughtful contemplation on geometry and the artist’s place in the everyday, the exhibition and especially the Artist Talk should not be missed!


Mark Loria Gallery
Mark Loria Gallery is one of the leading indigenous art gall...
621 Fort Street Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Event Image

Sacred Geometry @ Mark Loria Gallery Aug 6 2016 - Mar 1st @ Mark Loria Gallery

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