CANTADORA is a surreal acoustic musical about the most curious discoveries a woman will make when left with nothing but her voice, her visions, her dress, and a bundle of sticks.
Inspired by the coping mechanisms that develop in women and children who experience sexual abuse, CANTADORA seeks to open a window into the complex internal world of trauma.
As the last presentation of Intrepid Theatre Club’s 2011 YOU Show, CANTADORA is the multi-media debut of Victoria’s own CatFlap Creations.
Beautifully melding song, storytelling, puppetry, and dance, the play invites the audience to join Cantadora on her fantastical and healing journey to reclaim her self, her world, and her sanity.
CANTADORA is on at the Intrepid Theatre Club on September 17, at 6pm and 9pm (two performances). Tickets $12 at door.
For physical events that happen at a specific time. For example a concert, or dance performance. If there are multiple shows, you can still duplicate your event to cover them all.