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Kleins96, Cambridge, Chaos Disorder And Panic, The Killed Spirits, Dead Man's Trio

Thu. July 21st 2011 Funky Winker Beans Vancouver BC $10

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Event Info

Kleins96, Cambridge, Chaos Disorder And Panic, The Killed Spirits, Dead Man's Trio

Evil Bastards Entertainment is proud to present an high quality fun filled eveni...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Thu. July 21st 2011 + Add to Calendar Funky Winker Beans (No Minors)
9:00pm - 1:00am  Doors at: 8:00pm 10 BUX


from Regina Saskatchewan
from Vancouver BC
Chaos Disorder And Panic
Punk from Vancouver BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
The Killed Spirits
from Vancouver BC
Dead Man's Trio

Presented by:

NO BOLLOCKS EVENTS wendythirteen 604 764 PUNK wendythi...
Vancouver BC
Open / Operational
evil bastards entertainment

Event Description

Evil Bastards Entertainment is proud to present an high quality fun filled evening of punkrock mayhem.

Thursday july 21st at Funky Winkerbeans 37 west Hastings

Cambridge - Vancouvers best skate punk. Great band, great fun, great people. What more could you possibly want ? . cambridge.bandcamp.com

Kleins 96 - Regina's best hardcore punks. These guys were all kinds of fun last time they were out. This time will be no acception. These guys one of very few exciting things to come out of Saskatchewan. They're a rad live band definetly worth checking out. kleins96.bandcamp.com

The Killed Spirits - Langleys favorite post hardcore punks. Think Fugazi meets Propagandhi. Good people who play good music. Who doesn't enjoy that. killedspirits.bandcamp.com

Chaos, Disorder And Panic - political poetry punk - fraser valley friendly neighborhood hairball. one woman band with a conscience. www.myspace.com/chaosdisorderandpanic

Deadmans Trio - Nanaimo's best psychobilly. Following the trend of high quality fun bands and overall good people make sure to come early and support them. www.myspace.com/deadmanstrio

Doors at 8pm
Show at 9pm
$10 at the door.

Now that you have tons of notice there is plenty of time to mark this on the calendar, round up all your friends, saddle up the dog and round up the hitch hikers you were letting camp in the back yard.


Funky Winker Beans
37 West Hastings Vancouver BC
Open / Operational

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