She's No Minor!

pop-punk from Vancouver BC
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She's No Minor!

since circa 2008
She’s No Minor! is a newly minted band out of Vancouver, BC. They just shook up their line up and are working with their producer, hoping to release their EP in spring of 2010. They are known for their work organizing band showcases to benefit local and international charities, notably local cancer-patient Cassidy Briggs, as well as the Red Cross appeal for funds for the Phillipeans Flood.

She’s No Minor! write music that they want to listen to- they all come from different backgrounds but have a common desire to reach out to their peers. Kieran Strange, lead vocals, formed the band in August of 2008 after moving to Canada from England by herself at the age of seventeen. A hard-core music fan inspired by mostly punk rock, she wanted to create the kind of band that she herself would jump around for in the mosh pit, or chill out to on a rainy day. Even though she burns up the stage with the rest of the band, Kieran has some strong words for the music industry, and the type of music She’s No Minor! wants to produce. “It’s about not having to give into image. Kids are under so much pressure to look or act a certain way nowadays, and it’s bullshit. We just wanna be ourselves. It’s not about gender or age or ethnicity or what you wear, it’s about making music with people you love and writing about things you feel strongly for.”
Continuing Under New Name

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Unlinked Musician
2008 - Name Change
Unlinked Musician
2008 - Name Change
Unlinked Musician
2008 - Name Change
Unlinked Musician
2008 - Name Change
Unlinked Musician
Lead Guitar
2009 - Name Change
Unlinked Musician
2009 - Name Change

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