Profile Image: Santa Lucia LFR

Santa Lucia LFR

Alternative / Latin / Funk / Rock from Vancouver BC
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Santa Lucia LFR

Label: Catapult
since circa 1999
In 2006, Santa Lucia released their second full length album, “The Streets / Las Calles” with legendary producer Larry Anschell (Nickelback, Pearl Jam) from Turtle Recording Studios in White Rock, BC Canada. Santa Lucia successfully supported “The Streets / Las Calles” in 2007-2008 with countless west coast dates and major open air festivals.
CBC Radio gave the first single “Lupita” heavy rotation, with the band performing a live show across Canada hosted by one of Canada’s best known news personalities Gloria Makarenko.
Recently, Santa Lucia LFR has refined its stage skills opening for many USA and International touring acts such as Ozomatli, Yerba Buena, Los Mococos, The Skatalites and Maxi Priest and Seattle's Polyrythmics.
2009 brings with it countless tour dates with bigger audiences, a greater following of fans, and a return to the studio to record the follow up to 2006’s “The Streets / Las Calles”
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19:00 22:00

Current Lineup

German Cantillo
1999 - present
Byron Russell
alto sax
1999 - present
Chiko Misomali
1999 - present
Jeremy Vint
2006 - present
Kevin Tang
2010 - present
Chocolate Gonzales
latin percussion
2010 - present
Unlinked Musician
2012 - present

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