Profile Image: Rockhead


from Vancouver BC
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other sites: earofnewt



Label: Capitol/EMI
circa 1991 - circa 1993
Rockhead's namesake, producer/guitarist Bob Rock, formed the group in 1991 with his Payola$/Rock and Hyde bandmate, drummer Chris Taylor, as well as vocalist Steve Jack and bassist Jamey Kosh. Jack and Kosh, as well as keyboardist John Webster, were all local Vancouver, British Columbia musicians. Their debut single was called "Heartland". Rock produced the band's debut effort, which was released on Capitol Records in 1992. Members of Bon Jovi, The Cult, and Little Caesar guested on the album. The singles "Bed of Roses" and "Chelsea Rose" followed, as did a tour supporting Bon Jovi. However, the album did not sell well, and soon after the group disbanded and Rock returned to his career in production. Source: Wikipedia
Broken Up
other sites: earofnewt

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Past Members

Bob Rock
1991 - 1993
Chris Taylor
1991 - 1993
Jamey Kosh
1991 - 1993
Steven Jack
Lead Vocals
1991 - 1993
John Webster
1991 - 1993

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