Profile Image: Riff Raff-Victoria

Riff Raff-Victoria

ROCK from Victoria BC
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Riff Raff-Victoria

circa 1978 - circa 1982
Bob Geddes, Ian Harris, Brian Hunt, Sean McCool, Ken Preston, orig. line up. In 78 were first band to play Harpos, top venue in Victoria, regularly,6 nights a week. At times alternating weeks with Van. bands. Worked all U.Vic gigs, same period. In 78,79,80, gigged in Victoria continually, with intent to record album, in 80. Two members left, were replaced by top players Gavin Dixon and Phil Rossner, continued to gig till 82. Two songs were recorded, "SHE FADES AWAY"(Ian Harris, Bob Geddes),with original band. "JEKYL and HYDE"(Ian Harris),with musicians extrordinary, Bob Geddes,Lee Oliphant,and Jerry Adolph.
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Past Members

Ian Harris
Lead Vocals/Guitar
1978 - 1982
Bob Geddes
Lead Guitar
1978 - 1982
Ken Preston
1978 - 1982
Sean McCool
1978 - 1980
Bryan Hunt
1978 - 1980
Sean McCool
1978 - 1981
Gavin Dixon
1979 - 1981
Phil Rossner "Boz Roz"
Lead Guitar/Vocals
1979 - 1981
Larry Orme
1980 - 1982
Brian Hay "Buddy Love"
1980 - 1981

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