
Rock / Metal / Progressive from Vancouver BC
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circa 2004 - circa 2008
Formed in the Fall of 2004, Retrofire has been working hard to create a new sound blending modern rock with the driving melodic metal riffs of the 80s. With many shows under their belts and a fan base growing substantially greater everytime they hit the stage, Retrofire is a band worth seeing live. Armed with 5 members all under the age of 18, they give many bands twice their age and experience a run for their money. Jonathan Wu and Lorenzo de Sequera on Guitars. Jeremy Withers on Vocals. Cameron Miller on Bass. Marlon Liu on Drums.

"Retrofire aimed for the kill with high caliber rock riffs, armor piercing beats and their absolutely freaked out front man."
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Jonathan Wu "OmgJonWu"
2004 - 2008
Cameron Miller
2004 - 2008
Marlon Liu
2004 - 2008
Jeremy Withers
2004 - 2008

Past Members

Hung Te Tjia
2004 - 2005

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