Red Rose Speedway

from Victoria BC
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Red Rose Speedway

since circa 2012
Red Rose Speedway
There's Tom Hooper, who everybody knows as the vocalist and bass player from Grapes of Wrath and as a solo artist. Tom plays group, solo and duo gigs and captivates audiences with his honeyed voice and considerable charisma. Matt Johnson is somewhat legendary as well- he plays drums for Canadian perennials 54/40. Matt also sings and has been playing with Tom in a duo that is a permanent fixture in Victoria. Well, they’ve combined with Chuck and Shaun, the guitar playing half of Clubhouse favourites The Sutcliffes.
They figured they had common cause: they love pop music, harmonies and great songs. That’s what you can expect- a great catalogue with some obvious choices (The Beatles and Stones) and some that you know you love this song but can’t remember who does it. A splendid time is guaranteed for all.
Broken Up

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Past Events

20:30 11:30

Last Lineup

Tom Hooper
2012 - The End
Chuck Simms
2012 - The End
Shaun Wilson
2012 - The End

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