Red Cedar

Alt-Country / Rock from Vancouver BC
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Red Cedar

circa 2008 - circa 2012
Something dusty and sun spotted. Red Cedar was born out of five boys upending their previous strategies and forging a new path for themselves and their music. Coming from backgrounds of roots, country, psychedelic rock and the growing pains of too many noisy punk and metal bands these musicians were all too ready to strike out a new balance.

With an ear for the loose arrangements of psychedelic rock and paying respect to the space and restraint found in the 60's and 70's songwriter movement, Red Cedar put an emphasis on poignant material that both grooved, ebbed and flowed. They had an appreciation as much for the loudest moments as for the quietest. Woodshedding commenced in the late winter/ early spring of 2008. Red Cedar would spend 8 months rehearsing before performing their new material to an audience.

From there they set about gigging in and around Vancouver for the next year, with sets based not so much on singles but as flowing, growing pieces of a greater whole. Drenched in reverb, thick with layers, space and a lot of volume, an unspoken communication was forged.

In early spring 2009 singer/guitarist Andy Bishop, drummer Colin Jones, keyboardist Bruce Ledingham, guitarist JP Doucet and singer/bassist Shaunn Watt converged upon a tofu factory in East Vancouver to record their self titled EP with engineer Scott Bell. Independently released soon after to record stores across Vancouver, "Red Cedar" built upon a momentum the boys were eager to follow.

Restless and full of material, plans were made to meet with the venerable Colin Stewart at The Hive Creative Labs in early summer of 09', to put down a proper full length. Red Cedar focused on bigger, bolder sounds, and tighter, more confident song arrangements. Swelling and restrained, the new 9 song LP built upon the live sound Red Cedar wanted, as well as a cohesive record with flow and atmosphere.

Summer and fall were spent spreading their sound with a number of gigs around British Columbia. 2009 was full of great shows with many inspiring bands, supporting the likes of J. Tillman, Jon-Rae Fletcher, Ndidi Onukwulu, Black Diamond Bay and Rah Rah.
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

JP Doucet
Colin Jones
Andy Bishop
2008 - 2012
Andy Bishop
2008 - 2012

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