
from Vancouver BC
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since circa 2010
Redbird is latest project from Vancouver singer-songwriter Savannah Leigh Wellman. The debut album We’re all friends and lovers until it falls apart was released in June 2011. The 6 song EP, produced by Shawn Cole (Yukon Blonde, Bend Sinister, You Say Party) moves from the driving rhythms of “No Game” and “In the Hands of Ghosts”, to more delicate, folk inspired moments in the heart wrenching honesty of “Some Birds” and “Oh Please My Heart”. The band pulls from a slew of sonic inspirations, from 70’s rock to Motown, with Savannah’s subtly soulful vocals hinting at alt-country influences. It all comes together in lush arrangements of guitars and vocal harmonies, with crashing drums and droning organs.

Since the release the band has toured Canada, been seen at Rifflandia Festival (Victoria), Pop Okanagan (Kelowna), Canadian Music Week (Toronto), and has shared the stage with Canadian Indie faves Library Voices, Yukon Blonde, Sun Wizard, and more.
Continuing Under New Name

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Last Lineup

John Sponarski
2010 - Name Change
Jeremy Appleton
2010 - Name Change
Ben Brown
2010 - Name Change

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