Profile Image: Ranj Singh

Ranj Singh

from Surrey BC
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Ranj Singh

Ranj Singh makes music with a distinct blend of Indian-Western flair that draws on the singer-songwriter and self-taught guitarist’s love for rock music and heartfelt lyrics.

His latest CD (Found a Way Home) delivers thoughtful lyrics and melodies that were inspired by Ranj's life and his legendary mentors, Neil Young and Indian ghazal singer Jagjit Singh.

Ranj recently returned to music as a solo artist following a serious vehicle collision. He's stronger than ever and happy to be pursuing his passion for music again.

He is currently working on an acoustic album featuring soothing melodies and distinctive "up-stroke" riffs from his 12-string guitar.

Ranj began his performing career in the mid-80's with Harbhajan and Gursewak Mann. In the 90's he played with his brothers in the award-winning group Dal Dil Vog, where he performed with artists such as Jan Arden, 54-40 and Mathew Good. The band performed live on Much Music, toured throughout North America and India, and had videos that appeared on MuchMusic and MTV Asia.

After the group disbanded, Ranj brought together a group of talented musicians to form the band, The Discriminators.

Ranj plays live as a solo artist and often collaborates with former band members and musicians to meet the needs of a venue or event.

• Found a Way Home
• Simple Man

Recent Singles
• Peace

Recent notable performances have included the Harrison Festival of The Arts, Vancouver's Dragon Boat Festival, CBC's Musical Nooners summer concert series, Steveston Folk Guild's Summer Music Series, the Surrey Fusion Festival, the World Kindness Concert, and sharing the stage with award winning artists like Shari Ulrich and Bill Sample as well as performing at seven hockey games during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.
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Ranj Singh
Guitar, vocals

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