Paul Bray

from Vancouver BC
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Paul Bray

Instruments: Hand Percussion details
Paul Bray is a dynamic and charismatic multi-talented percussionist working as a musical educator and performer in Vancouver. Drawing on a strong classical background, Paul has devoted his attention to the study of African influenced music, specializing in Afro-Cuban and Afro-Brazilian folkloric musical styles.

He has studied extensively in Cuba, and has developed a strong command of Brazilian percussion. In Vancouver, he has collaborated with Afro-Bahia Dance Productions and Yasse Afro-Arts in addition to working as a studio musician and directing Sambata, Vancouver’s 20 piece Escola de Samba. In addition, Paul has performed as a guest artist with both Jesse Cook and Tibetan multi-instrumentalist Nawang Kechog.

Currently, Paul is the percussion instructor at the Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach – an Arts Umbrella youth program, and is guest instructor with the Britannia World Rhythms Ensemble. In the performing arena Paul is a member of Tambor Iroko, led by Jack Duncan, Candela, and a regular club percussionist, collaborating with local DJ’s in Vancouver.
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21:00 00:00
21:00 00:00

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La Candela
2003 - present
2000 - present

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