Oliver Jones Trio

from Montreal Quebec
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Oliver Jones Trio

Label: Justin Time Records
Not content just to wow the crowd with 100-mile-an-hour keyboard virtuosity, Oliver Jones refracts the entire history of jazz piano through a thoughtful musical sensibility built on rhythm and swing and a profound feeling for the blues. Like his friend Oscar Peterson, Jones is a so-called “orchestral” pianist who exploits the full range of the piano whenever he sits at the keyboard. Now in his early 70s, Jones went on a farewell tour in 1999. He put in a brilliant but bittersweet appearance at that summer’s JazzFest, presumably the last we’d ever hear him. Jones still pays the occasional visit to the recording studio and the concert stage – enough so that he was acclaimed Keyboardist of the Year at the 2006 National Jazz Awards. We are delighted to be able to showcase one of Canada’s musical treasures once again. He will be playing with Jim Doxas drums, and Éric Lagacé bass.

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Oliver Jones
Jim Doxas

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