Ninja High School

Hardcore Dance-Rap from Toronto Ontario
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Ninja High School

Label: blocks/tomlab
Ninja High School is a positive hardcore dance-rap band from Toronto. We (coincidentally and unintentionally) have the same name as a comic book, which we're told is very nice.

We are Matt Collins (lyrical geniusing), Gregory Collins (grunge yelling), Adrian Cvitkovic (spiritual guru), Whitney Kemble (jerk), Catherine Ribeiro (pest), and Steven Kado (advanced hyping), and Wolfgang Nessel (part-time old fogey).

Past/peripheral/spiritual members include Star DT (why'd you have to move to Vancouver?), Anna Cvitkovic (lead animal consultant), Peter Thorne (enthusiasm + filling-in), Craig Dunsmuir (hooting + carrying on), and Slavoj Žižek (thanks for the ideas).

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