Murder City Sparrows

from Edmonton Alberta
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Murder City Sparrows

since circa 2005
Once upon a time, in his own personal hell, Jay Sparrow decided his fate. You learn a lot about yourself while lying on a bathroom floor with the bottle of Jack Daniel’s still in your hand. After doing a solo record and still feeling empty he needed something more…
More whiskey?
Maybe, but why not start with finding a band?
Besides, four screwed up minds has got to be better than one…right?

So who are these guys and why are they so pissed off?! This record is as frantic as a six day cocaine binge. From stories of killers in Omaha to the lives of Elvis and Priscilla, this “Texas Punk” band is raw and loud as hell.

Produced by Gordie Johnson (Big Sugar, Grady) at Willie Nelson’s legendary studio “Pedernales”, Murder City Sparrows created a real rock sound with none of that fancy overdub crap. I mean really, who has eight guitar players anyway?!

They bring their no bullshit attitudes and blunt force (like a bottle across the head) to the stage at every show. Want a hit?

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Current Lineup

Jay Sparrow
2005 - present
Doc deGroot
2005 - present
The Lanny
2005 - present
Jonny Mericana
2006 - present

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