Profile Image: Miss Natasha Enquist

Miss Natasha Enquist

Alternative Pop / Electronic / Cabaret from BC


Miss Natasha Enquist

Instruments: Accordion, Vocals details
Miss Natasha Enquist is a Canadian multi-disciplinary artist, based somewhere in a space-time travel continuum between Berlin, Germany and the Pacific Northwest of Canada. Originally from British Columbia, Canada, she studied classical piano as a child, attended the University of Victoria for History of Art, and had a career in fashion before having the accordion take over her life. She has performed her way from Canada to Walt Disney World, and over to Europe to progress with bridging the gap between electronic pop music and the accordion. Miss Natasha Enquist treats the accordion as a human-powered synthesizer, while enchanting her audiences with her charming and sultry presence with her dreamy, dark, romantic "electro-accordion chanteuse" style.
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The Great Giffoni Magic Show
2009 - present
Miss Natasha Enquist

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