Profile Image: Mike Luno Band

Mike Luno Band

Prog Rock / Funk from Vancouver BC
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Mike Luno Band

Label: Magic Pinky
since circa 2006
Mike Luno Band is a guitar-bass-drums-vocals 3-piece rock act based in Vancouver. The music has liberal elements of funk and fusion with overtones of reggae and prog occasionally sneaking in. Think Sting meets the Chili Peppers, Leonard Cohen co-writes the Led Zeppelin reunion album, the Police get dirty, or Rush jams with the Dave Matthews Band and Maroon 5. The Band consists of Curtis Leippi on drums, Mike Luno on lead vocals and guitar, and currently works with one or two favourite bassists for live performances. While the music might have you tapping your toes or dancing around your living room, the lyrics have no throwaway, no filler, and at times no mercy - colourful observations on the contradictions, conundrums, frustrations and self-defeat of human behaviour. What's your poison now? The Mike Luno Band is here to describe it with a smile and a groove. This, in fact, is their reason for being - from an appetite for music with powerful, unapologetic musicianship, groove with fire, thought-provoking lyrics and compositions made to stand the test of time, they aspire to be the band they would want to see and hear themselves.
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Mike Luniw
Jason Nickel

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