Mad Shadow

rock from Vancouver BC
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Mad Shadow

since circa 2007
Electric, charged and explosive, Mad Shadow is bound to leave you speechless with their straight-up, no-holds barred, arena rock styling. Featuring Danny Sveinson on lead guitar and keyboards, Erik Olufson on vocals, drummer Josh McDonald and bassist Tyler Lindrin, Mad Shadow are taking their vision of rock and roll to the world.

Mad Shadow’s sound is a throwback to the raunchy guitar rock of 70’s bands such as Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith or Deep Purple. You can also hear that contemporary bands like Soundgarden, Tool and Alice in Chains have influenced them as well. The combination of Danny's hook laden, riffmaster guitar flavour, Erik's charismatic, one-of-a-kind stage presence and the fist-pounding, "can't sit still" rhythm provided by Josh and Tyler never fail to leave the crowd breathless and wanting more. Mad Shadow's live show is like no other. The depth of these young rockers' ability to break out, sending Danny into blistering solos and impromptu jam-renditions of their best known songs is sure to drop you right in the middle of the rock and roll inferno that is Mad Shadow.


Mad Shadow is managed and booked by; DCS Management, (778) 839-2399

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Erik Olufson
Danny Sveinson
2007 - present

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