Leora Cashe

from Vancouver BC
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Leora Cashe

With a soulful energy that is truly transforming, Leora Cashe continues to thrill audiences with her passionate jazz vocal interpretations. This jazz and gospel singer has a warm, rich and distinctive voice, a note-worthy talent in our growing Canadian jazz scene.

A versatile and accomplished graduate of Edmonton?s Grant MacEwan jazz program, Leora is ??as musically solid as the hits she performs?. She has appeared with Canadian jazz legend Tommy Banks on CBC Radio and TV and sang with Vancouver?s dynamic gospel quartet ?Circle of Voices?. In 2001, the West Coast Music Awards nominated her debut CD, Tears of Joy for Best Gospel Recording of the year.

Her experience in the gospel idiom has provided Leora with that solid foundation of reaching past the ordinary to explore the musical moment with passion and precision. With her elegant and compelling style, this entertainer delivers a performance that is thought-provoking and touching, ??sending chills down audience members spines?.

Leora is accompanied on bass by Russell Botten, and Tony Foster on piano. Tony is gaining a lot of attention as one of Canada?s hardest swinging pianists. Russell played regularly in the Linton Garner Trio and most recently, he is featured on Seattles? Jay Thomas? latest CD. Together, this swingin? combo serves up a mix of traditional vocal jazz, new and old and sophisticated original tunes in the tradition of the finest jazz vocalists. (Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan)

For more information and sound clips visit www.leoracashe.com


??ranges effortlessly?.soft smokey seduction.?
- Steve Weatherbe, British Columbia Report

??has a distinctive sound.?
-Neil Ritchie, Hot Air

??she has a gorgeous voice, and she uses it well?and great taste in sidemen.?
-Paul Grant, Arts Report

??a magnificent vocal talent..fresh, passionate and unique.?
-David Dawes, BC Christian Info News

??..the passion, the vocal flexibility and the pure rich tones are there, loud and clear!?
-Diane Dakors, Victoria Times Colonist
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