
Indie Pop from Vancouver BC
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circa 2008 - circa 2014
From the first cry to the final breath, Lakefield’s story has been a humble one, co-authored by five complicated friends. It’s one well known by anyone who has ever longed to live and love through music: the euphoria of a perfectly executed decrescendo; the long fall on to deaf ears; the big-kid, major-label ambition, radiating energy into the void; the only aspiration being the sound of half breaths hauling heavy hopes up steep steps. Five untenable years, one full length debut album, and more than 25 live performances after Kate Rossiter (Keys, Vocals), Steven Luscher (Guitar, Vocals), Kyle Sulyma (Bass), Bryan Chiu (Guitar), and Paul Teehan (Drums) made their first sound, Lakefield is back to write their final chapter, pull up the covers, and blow out the light.

Legend has it that the mute swan lives its entire life in silence, until delivering one beautiful performance in the moment before its death. The Swan Songs EP, is Lakefield’s. Produced as a blood promise to each other to remember themselves as they were at the end, it was recorded on two continents, against impossible odds. Drummer Paul Teehan laid the foundation of this tombstone release in London at The Limehouse, their swan pond literally within view of the control room. With help from their most dedicated friends, the remaining members built the release atop those transatlantic recordings, back in the bedrooms and living rooms of Lakefield’s hometown – Vancouver, BC.

A stone’s throw from where Swan Songs was made, mute swans swim around downtown’s Lost Lagoon in Stanley Park. They are beautiful, but hindered. They can not fly, nor migrate, because their wing tendons have been clipped. Like them, Lakefield will never take flight again. With love, they leave you these, their exuberant Swan Songs.

Discover the final album at
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

steven luscher
2008 - 2014
Kyle Sulyma
2008 - 2014
Kate Rossiter
2008 - 2014
Paul Teehan
2008 - 2014
Bryan Sea
2008 - 2014

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